nightmares? dreams?

aren't dreams interesting?

it's kind of like a solar eclipse, when you think about it.
during the day, you think your thoughts consciously, whereas at night, your thoughts are subconscious; sometimes they make sense, other times they dont.

some people believe that dreams mean something. kind of like predicting the future in a twisted sort of way.

i believe dreams are the brain's way of telling you that you are over-thinking during the day. my dreams rarely make sense, & they're kind of scary in a bizarre fashion, some people might say that im amazingly brilliant in this way, but i actually dont think it means anything.

what about a nightmare?
what is a nightmare?
who really knows?
in my opinion, a nightmare is just a dream, with feelings of fear, horror, distress, etc.
i think nightmares are greatly influenced by stressful situations in the person's walking life.

but still, isnt it weird? how your brain can take your daily thoughts & warp them into something amazing? something that sometimes feels really real & when you wake up you think, "oh im so glad thats over!" or "i wish i never woke up!" it is truly spectacular what the human brain can do.

we are an amazing species.


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