haha thanks steph, it was great :)

except for those certain people who said they wanted to meet me,
turns out they wanted to meet my friend, i was just there as their photographer.

"aww, bye!" hugs all round.
yeah, lets just wave to leila, i dont really want to touch her.


but yeah other than that, it was really fun, thanks for inviting me steph.
sorry i couldnt bring any redbull.

i wasnt as un-co as i thought i would be, so that was good.

but dont you hate it when people use you to get closer to your friends?
you make an effort, & they dont seem to care as much as you do.
i try not to care, but when i do care, nobody else does.

1 Comment:

  1. bby'd said...
    leila who was it :O?

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