the horror.

thank you very much daniela, for following me & teaching me, oh wise one.
i am slowly getting the hang of this.

now lets see,
my day so far.

no, there is actually no point in talking about that because this day has hardly even started.
does m&ms in milk count as cereal?

EASTER! yes, it was easter yesterday. & everyone was like, "omg happy easter leila! may jesus be with you!" & posting 457329579457923847293847 bulletins.

several problems about that.

  1. i already know its easter. i dont need 43958734895734572893457 or however many bulletins telling me so.
  2. i dont believe in jesus.
  3. your bulletins are taking up space on MY bulletin board, which could be hosting WAY better bulletins.

yes, i know, it was easter. stop harrassing me, fools.

would also like to take this opportunity of my fame to give a shout out to jasmine plane.

she still likes me even though i make her talk to me for hours on the phone :) & i shall see yous all TODAY! at stephs party.

i think we're bringing redbull?

i dont even LIKE energy drink, but i guess its stephs day, so we shall celebrate in hideously stupid ways that we will probably regret the next day or so.

i look retarded in rollerblades.

oh, god of rollerblades, help me in not falling over & making a fuckwit of myself.

sorry im not very good at social situations. id rather stay home & eat 2 minute noodles & watcha animal planet in my underwear. true story.

my computer battery is quickly depleting. i cant spell to save my life.





leave me ALONE.

get off my BACK.

find someone else to sexually harrass.


but i swear, she has something against me.

just because i never hand in my assignments & when i do they're completed the period before english.


if i was an english teacher, id give every child an A & write "your child was the only child in the class to get an A"

well im off for now, adious til next time! :)

1 Comment:

  1. bby'd said...
    aww leila i soo agree with you:)
    A's all around
    + i would be carefull blogs and english teachers, you never know .

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