
hello, everyone!
sorry i haven't been on for a while, been busy with school, guitar, the rest, you know.

i'd like to get a busking licence, i think you can get free ones in subi?
but you have to pay for them for the city.
but hey, you get paid just for practising, you know?
get a nice spot, just sit around playing & drinking coke.
or hot chocolate if its cold outside.
or coffee if its early.
you get the general jist. or gist. whatever it is.

i think its gist?

my fish are still alive, so that's good.
so is my bird.
i don't kill ALL of my pets accidentally.
there's only been 3.
they were all guinea pigs.
but i don't think it was my fault.
coz it was in summer, & they lived outside. maybe it was heat stroke?

i am currently trying to fix up my myspace, but the CSS doesn't like me.
pretty sure i'll get it eventually.
everyone's still asleep so i can't listen to my music.

well can't stay long, got to go feed the bird, get ready for tennis.


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