why do i have so many?

- people who ask you to make decisions you don't actually care about.

- wearing sunglasses at night. (you know, unless you're blind.)

- when people don't punctuate.

- when people bite their nails & spit 'em out in your house.

- scraping a fork, knife, or spoon across a plate. most annoying noise EVER.

- extremely fat girls squeezing into skinny jeans with their ass cracks hanging out all over the place. hey, it's ok to be a size 18 or whatever.

- chewing gum disgustingly & making that annoying "pop/smack" noise. must you chew gum like a prostitute?

- when people say "aw, true."
eg, "what are you doing this weekend?"
"going shops."
"aw true."
"what are you doing on the weekend?"
"saving puppies. but if they have rabies, i'll be home a bit later coz i have to go to the hospital & have a blood transfusion for the fourth time this week."
"... aw true."

- the word "cunt." just don't use it. it's disgusting.

- cake-up. seriously. you look fine without it.

- when random people come up to you & start talking to you. or take pictures. just don't do it. i don't like it.

- when you have a really bad headache & can't keep your eyes open.

- when people chew on their jewellry.

- when people say they'll call you & then they don't.

- when people interupt you when they're supposed to be listening to what you're talking about.

- when people sing along to songs that they don't actually know the words to. they're ruining my experience. especially if "the climb" is on.

- when people kill a bug in their house & don't clean it up. they just leave it there. throw it outside or something.

- when people brag about their "haterz" like its a good thing.

- when people stop the microwave before it beeps, like 1 second before, then they don't hit the clear button so you can't see the clock.

- people who think they're hot shit.

- when people are tryhards.

- when chicks are all like, "oh im so FAT."
2 things, yeah?
1) you're probably not fat.
2) if you ARE fat, don't tell me about it. go exercise or something.
like matty.
he jogs.

- when people sulk around & when you ask them whats wrong they go, "ohh... nothing..." & sigh.

- when people you don't know sit a seat away from you at the cinema when the whole cinema is free.

- when people compliment you just because they want a compliment back.

- when people misunderstand what you are saying & take it as a bad thing.

- when you eat popcorn & the shell gets stuck to your teeth/gums.

- laugh tracks on TV shows that aren't funny.

- when the radio kills your favourite songs by playing them & playing them & playing them.

- when people judge you before they know you.

- when people ask for the time & point to their wrist. when i need to go to the bathroom, i don't point at my crotch.

- people who pick their noses while driving. your windows aren't that tinted. i can still see you.

- when people go, "i knowww someonee whooo likeeesss youuuu" jump off a cliff. tell me already.

- when people over exaggerate.

- when people lie to make themselves look better.

- people who are waaaaaaaaaaay too happy. all the time.

- adults who have braces. ick. it's like, you're pushing 50. who cares?

- girls with boy names.

- finding onion rings in my chips.

- when people don't know its their turn in a card game. its like, man, hurry up already.

- when people laugh just because other people are laughing & don't actually know what they're laughing about.

- crumbs in your bed.

- when people pick at their scabs.

- rude people. like what's the point in being rude?

- people who listen to ghetto music at 4578934759837459832748 decibels in the middle of the night. hey, if i wanted to listen to your music, i'd BE IN YOUR CAR.

- parents who can't control their children in shopping centres. & the children are yelling & screaming & kicking things over. & the parents are just like, "please stop"

- when you think a leaf blower is a chainsaw.

- when cashiers spend 10 minutes talking to someone else instead of serving you. DO YOUR JOB PLS.

- when you have a dream that you're falling or whatever, then twitch violently & wake up.

- how people say they're obsessed with a band when they only know one or two songs.

- dogs barking all night.

- when your mum buys an ipod & then she's all, "ok now what do i do" & then you get in trouble for "not explaining it properly"

- when people don't like ANY SPORT AT ALL.

- people who make choices for you.

- when people add you on msn but never talk to you.

- when people stare at you. STOP LOOKING AT ME.

- when someone texts you, & then they call 10 minutes later because you didnt reply.

- when people add you and you go .. who is this? and they're like WHOSE THIS ?! and your like you adding me and there like who are you?

- When you talk about somthing,and use a "big" word and they pretend to know what it means,and then when you ask " Do you even know what it is?" Or what it means,and they say" oh no i forgot" then when you tell them they'll be like " oh yea!"

- I hate it when you DO know something though.
And then people are like "do you even know what that means?" And your like how old do you think I am ?

well i probably have 4579384759734598374948572097592 more.
but im fairly sure you don't care ;D